Creative Commons License
This Creative Commons License encourages you to share our images responsibly.
We love to create images that evoke the essence of our brand. From the moment our brand launched, our goal was to create images that encouraged our followers to share. We shop tirelessly for props and work amazingly long hours on our sets. We work really hard on every level of detail with several amazing professional photographers to make beautiful images.
We do our best create images that will inspire our followers enough to share our story, by word of mouth or on social media.
We are all about peace and bee love and bee inspired messages, and we encourage you to please feel free to spread the Bee Inspired® word, on our behalf.
When we find our images being used by companies who are not current customers or do not properly attribute the image origin to it violates this Creative Commons License.
This license was designed to make sure you share our hard work responsibly.
Please don't steal.
For example, if you are using this honey lollipops image, underneath the text should read "Photo provided by"

Unless otherwise noted, the content of this website is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which means that you are free (and encouraged) to share our images both online or in any printed material as long as the work is attributed to it's original author and a link is provided back to this website.
You are more than welcome to share our images as long as you properly attribute in your post. That means, that when you use one of our images, you will also feature this phrase, "Photo provided by"
If you are a current or former wholesale customer of and you no longer carry a featured item or no longer have our product in stock and continue to display our imagery on your site without proper attribution, you are violating this Creative Commons License. Failure to comply with this license may result in a complaint against your company, or worse.
Under this license, you may not change or alter the work and you may not sell it or directly profit from its publication. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us directly. Thanks again for supporting Bee Inspired®!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License